Then I saw this meme floating around Facebook and it really
struck me.
It just helped me realize that everybody has bloopers just like my family and I do; they just may not choose to put it out there. Which is, of course, their prerogative! We all want to put our best foot forward, but just in case I’ve ever come across as everything is sunshine and light 24/7, behind the scenes, our crew is often trying to figure out which way is up and who is doing what, when, and just trying to keep the show moving!
Averie often has a snack before her real meal because it’s
something she can get to and eat by herself so I can tend to other things first
(the only silver lining here is thanks to her voracious appetite, she still has
plenty of room for the healthy stuff).
If we don’t have any errands to run (seldom as those days
may be), you will likely find me in PJ’s at 3 PM. My taste in fashion never adjusted to being a mom, and delicate and pretty clothes just don’t
agree with parenting the Guinness World Record holder for the most spit-up ever
produced in a day. If I’m feeling fancy,
I’ll bring out the yoga pants ;-).
We eat dinner about the time some kids (not ours, LOL) are
going to bed because Chris doesn’t get home ‘til then, due to both his new
shift and the insane amount of overtime he is working.
Speaking of, Declan is still going to bed at midnight. UGH. Somehow he knows when we try to get to bed
sooner, because those are the days he’ll decide to be up ‘til 1 or 2, so we’ve
just accepted our fate. He at least
sleeps straight through ‘til 11 or so, which is great for him; not so great for
those who don’t get to sleep so late (coughtheparentscough)!
I have at least five other blog posts besides this one,
ready to go, dating back to early September, just waiting for me to transfer
pictures over from the camera, and I can’t seem to get my act together!
But maybe now that I’ve put this out there, it will motivate
me to do it today. Or this week. Maybe (add “world’s worst (best?)
procrastinator” to the list). Really
though, I have some milestones that have passed and some coming up that need to
be written down, so I’m really gonna do it.
Eventually ;-).