Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Declan -- 2 Weeks

I can't believe it's already been two weeks (well, yesterday).  It feels like we just brought him home.

Declan had his 2-week checkup and he is weighing in at 8 lbs 4 oz (36th percentile) and 22 inches long (90th percentile)!  Long and skinny, just like his sister. 

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Declan's Birth Story

You may think I’m nuts to be sitting here typing this at one day postpartum (well, I typed all this one day, but it took me awhile to get the pictures uploaded :P) but what can I say?  A C-section means more required downtime than a vaginal delivery, Declan likes to sleep A LOT (yay!) and I have time to kill :).

Due to finding baby in a breech position at my 34-week ultrasound, my doctor and I decided to schedule a C-section for 39 weeks, as I posted about earlier.  Monday, April 9th finally arrived and I was awake, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed at 4 AM despite having gone to bed just before 1 AM the night before.  Chris was not so bright-eyed, but there’s nothing like quite like the feeling of knowing you are going to meet your baby to get you moving in the morning :).

We arrived at Utah Valley Regional Medical Center in Provo at 5:30 AM for my scheduled 7:30 procedure.  After a stack of exciting paperwork, I was taken to my room where the nurse offered to perform a quick ultrasound to verify position.  Imagine my surprise when we found that Declan HAD turned head-down!  I thought for sure I would have noticed that. 

At this point, the nurse started recommending heavily in favor of induction, talking about how second deliveries are usually much easier and faster, and stressing the longer recovery time of a C-section.  However, I couldn’t shake the feeling that this baby was still meant to come by C-section.  I was relieved when she checked me for dilation and I had only progressed to 1 cm, because I knew that improved my chances of moving forward with the original plan.  My doctor was on board, too, so off we went!

I was wheeled back to the OR at 7:35 and Declan Andrew Poll came into the world at 7:53 AM.  He was a healthy 8 pounds 7 ounces and 21 inches long -- even at 1 week early! – and his head is huge, as predicted. 

He was having a hard time getting enough oxygen because he had aspirated a significant amount of fluid in the womb.  After some torturous suctioning by the big, bad nurses ;-), he was good as new and I got to hold my baby for the first time!

After the delivery, my OB spoke with us and said we had definitely made the right decision in doing the C-section.  Declan’s head was positioned very high and the umbilical cord was down very low.  Choosing induction would have more than likely resulted in a cord prolapse (the cord comes out before the baby) which would have created an emergency delivery situation and potentially put Declan in distress.  I am so glad that I listened to my instinct, even if others thought our choice was not ideal!

He is 8 days old and he is already shaping up to be like his big sister.  Great eater, even better sleeper!  We’ll see if it keeps up :).  For now, we’re all enjoying the rest!

And now for the pictures!

Meeting Declan, and looking a little high ;-)

Not much hair

Loooong baby!

Out for a walk around Mother/Baby with Mommy and Daddy

Averie meeting Declan




Hi, Daddy!


2 days old

Getting dressed to go home

Happy (partial) family!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Monday, April 9th

That morning:

Later that morning -- still looking a little drugged ;-):

That afternoon (and a little smile?):

Declan Andrew Poll
Born at 7:53 AM MST
8 pounds 7 ounces, 21 inches long

More (better, from an actual camera :-P) pictures and birth story coming soon!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Always Be Our Baby

Today is our last day as this family of three.  

Tomorrow, Chris and I will meet our baby boy!  

It is somewhat bittersweet, though mostly sweet.  Averie has grown so much in the last couple months and I have been so enthralled with discovering these new facets of her personality.  As a result, I am the tiniest bit -- not sad...but I don't know the word -- to be bringing a new baby home where I won't have so much time to watch just her grow, and just her learn new things and just her transform from my baby into a little girl. 

But then I think how can I be sad (or whatever that word that I'm looking for is)?  I will get to see even more of Averie's personality that hasn't had a chance to shine until now.  She'll be a big sister, and I'm gearing up for more of those epic 2-year-old tantrums when she realizes she's not the only center of our universe and she has to share the spotlight.  I love that she has been such a good helper to me as this pregnancy has taken a major physical toll on me.

I have enjoyed sharing this time with her, even though she has had a somewhat limited understanding of what's happening.  There's still nothing better than watching her face light up when the baby kicks her hand on my belly, or those spontaneous belly kisses.  I am excited to share one more pregnancy with an older her in a couple years, and see how different she is then.

I hope Averie will still know that our arms are always still open for run-and-leap-into-our-arms hugs.  And that I will always find time to tickle her and I will still laugh hysterically myself when she laughs so hard that she snorts.  I hope she knows that Chris and I will always love her the same, if not more everyday, even if we have somebody new to love, too.  She will be 2 1/2 years old next month but she will always be our baby!