Sunday, November 7, 2010


Saturday was Averie's birthday party. Never did I realize how much hosting a 1-year-old's birthday party would wear me out. By the end of the day, Chris and I were both completely exhausted but it was so worth it. We all had a great time and everybody was so generous to our little girl. Our living room looks like Toys R Us threw up :P.

Going into it, I knew we wanted to make her "smash cake" ourselves. I guess we did a good job since several people asked where we ordered it!

Averie was a little unsure at first...

I had to help her get to the cake itself (it was a little hard for her since it had been in the refrigerator) but once she had her first bite, there was no stopping her!
(click to see the collage bigger)

The end result:


althnmore said...

she's so adorable you guys did a great job!

Liz Wilcken said...

Mmm...chocolate! I remember we over-did Ben's first bday too :) Then you learn to hate bday parties once they're old enough to invite friends over :) Glad she had fun. Onto the terrible twos!! (Which I really think is a kids were fine at 2.)