Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Couponing Comeback!

So since Chris lost his job, I just haven't been feelin' the couponing. It was always a fun thing for me, but I just lost interest and my newspapers would pile up for weeks. I only clipped the ones for things I knew we absolutely needed to buy, and left the rest, often missing out on some good deals. Since I wasn't clipping all the coupons, I couldn't get in on most of the good deals anyway, even if I really wanted to. Until today :D. Freebies 2 Deals posted a scenario at Smith's that I could do with just printable coupons!

I saved $51.69, spent $39.58, but then I got $12 back in catalinas, so essentially I only spent $27. Considering that's less than I would have spent on just the bags (15 boxes worth), I think things went well - and this should keep us in ziploc bags for awhile :D.

While it's snowing and blowing and otherwise ugly outside this week, I think I'll sit down and organize my coupon file, catch up on my newspapers and get my crazy couponing self back in the game :).

1 comment:

Heather Macbeth said...

That's awesome! I follow Freebies 2 Deals too (even though I don't live Utah) just because they have so many great deals.

Here's another one at Walgreens in case you're interested: BUY
(2) W Jumbo Pack Diapers 23 to 50 pk $8.99 B1G1 FREE
(1) -$2/1 W Brand Diapers Jumbo Pack (2844) Walgreens Infant Care Booklet {should be in the store, ask cashiers if you can't find it}
= $4.99 or $2.50 EACH!

I got size 8 diapers for 8 cents eahc and size 5 for 9 cents each. RIDICULOUSLY CHEAP!!!! We stocked up like crazy and they've been letting us get rain checks.

Hope you're doing well!