Sunday, December 27, 2009

More Averie

This post is just because I've been negligent in posting about Averie. I'm partly using Blogger as a sort of journal/way to keep track of all the highlights of Averie's life so this is just as much for me as it is for everybody else (and who doesn't like looking at cute baby pictures?).

After her first bath. She was a fan until it was time to take her out of the water and then she screamed bloody murder.

We had to take pictures of her in her church dresses because - surprise - we just thought she looked too cute.

We really love the doctor that delivered Averie and asked him to take a picture with her at my postpartum follow-up appointment a few days ago.

We love seeing her big smiles that tend to disappear as soon as we get the camera ready! We were lucky to capture this one:

We are so happy to have Averie. She is such a happy baby and we can't imagine life without her.

I'll try to be better about updating!


Kristen said...

Hey Meghan, this is Kristen (formerly Tint) I saw you had a blog from facebook. :) I love blogs and Averie is soooo beautiful. I think she looks a lot like both you and your husband. I hope you had a fabulous Christmas. Feel free (if you want) to follow my blog. :) Happy blogging

Kimberly said...

Yeah for pics of Averie!!! Glad your Christmas was good!!