Wednesday, August 4, 2010

9 Months!

Time flies! It is time for another monthly post about Averie!

Averie is crawling like a pro now and wreaking all kinds of havoc around the house. Nothing is safe here anymore! She likes to be chased and will crawl faster if you pretend you're coming after her, or if she's trying to get to something that she knows she's not allowed to have.

She pulls herself up to stand on EVERYthing. She is an equal opportunity climber and will use the furniture, her toys, the baby gates, people, and one time, even the vacuum!
She is cruising on the furniture and will take slow steps if we hold her hands. At a recent visit to my parents' house, she stood up using the coffee table and then let go and stood fully unsupported by herself for 5 seconds! We all gasped a little in pride, and as soon she saw us staring at her, she promptly fell on her butt. But she can do it! Go Averie!

Averie will reeeeach to get to things on the couch that are just out of her grasp, and give a sad little pout when she can't get to it that says, "Mommy, won't you pleeease let me have those scissors?" *bat eyelashes*. Obviously she can't have scissors, but she sure does make it hard to resist her cute face.

Averie loves to give "kisses." I put that in quotes because her "kisses" involve coming at us with a wide open mouth and pushing that slobbery mouth against a cheek, a forehead, a neck, anything she can get to! We can't help but laugh, which only encourages it more! She loves to grab faces too and we're working on teaching her "gentle touch."

She is wearing size 3 diapers and 6 to 9 month clothes. Some of the 6 to 12 month sized things are still too big on her, mostly around the neck and shoulders area (and these aren't shirts with big, droopy necklines!), although 6 to 12 month pants fit great lengthwise.

Weight - 19 lbs 3 oz (50th percentile)
Length - 29-3/4" long (100th percentile)
Head - 44.5 cm (75th percentile)

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