Sunday, August 22, 2010

Pink Slip

Chris was let go from his job at Convergys a couple of weeks ago. Normally, I am the big panicker in the family, but all I felt was peace when he came home and told me. Truthfully, both of us are glad he is gone from there - it was a very hostile work environment for him, complete with micromanaging and politics. I hated that he had to go there day in, day out, but as the sole provider for our family, I was grateful for his hardworking spirit and that he continued to go so I could stay home with Averie.

The only thing either of us miss is the paycheck, but we both know the Lord will provide for our family and an awesome, new job - THE job - is out there for Chris.

For now, Averie and I are enjoying having him home. We have so much more time as a family now - sleeping in (thank heavens for a night-owl baby who likes to sleep late!), walks around the neighborhood with Averie, and just spending time together. And Chris is finally getting around to all the little projects on his "honey-do" list that he never had time for before! :D


Heather Macbeth said...

That is EXACTLY what happened to us. I felt so weird that I was totally at peace about it but I realized that it meant that we had the freedom to look for "THE" job instead of having to stay with a mediocre job, just like you said. Things will work out! They always do! Try to have more patience than I did and the Lord will bless you!

Liz Wilcken said...

Ah yes...I remember when Brian worked there. Yuck. We'll be praying for new employment soon!