She is wearing 6 to 9 and 6 to 12 month sized clothes and size 3 diapers. Based on her length at her 9-month appointment, I am sure she is over 30 inches long by now!
Not too much new mobility-wise since her 9 month post - Averie is still cruising on the furniture and anything else she can use to move around. She does stand by herself more and more often, and when she is standing on her own, will lower herself to sitting on the floor instead of falling/flopping down. She has turned into a climbing machine - climbing up furniture and people alike!
Thank heavens, Averie is not a picky eater like her mommy (insert guilty face here). She will eat anything and everything, though she still likes most things pureed and will only eat a few completely solid things. We transitioned her to formula a little over a month ago for some personal reasons and although I felt guilty at first for not meeting my goal of nursing until 1 year, she is doing fantastic! We did discover that generic formula doesn't agree with her tummy (always foiling our attempts at saving money!), so she gets Similac Advance.
Averie still has her yellow nose in pictures. She loves her sweet potatoes and carrots (mmmm, Vitamin A!) and it shows! Of course right now, I wish I could find a way to scrub off the yellow, but I'm sure one day, I'll look back and think it's cute :).
She can't be bothered to use one of the many teething rings we have - instead, she gnaws on her pointer finger (doesn't suck on it though!). And she doesn't appear to comprehend how big her head and shoulders are as she will fight tooth and nail to squeeze herself through impossibly small spaces!
Things we are working on with Averie:
Pincer grasp - She will hold puffs and other small snacks in her fingers if we place them there, and even put them in her mouth by herself. However, when picking things up by herself, she uses all her fingers and her palm to pick things up, and then can't get the puff in her mouth because it is closed up in her fist.
Talking - She babbles endlessly (so cute!), but hasn't said any "real" words.
can't believe how big she is! She reminds me of my daughter kali! Wow scared to think of topher growing that big soon Where does the time go?
You really shouldn't feel bad about not nursing Averie until she was a year! Pat yourself on the back that you made it this long! That's amazing! I only nursed Skyler for 10 months and Lily for 2 because of complications. You're doing great as a mom.... seriously. She looks so cute!
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