Sunday, October 3, 2010

11 Months!

I can't believe how quickly time has passed. Averie is 11 months old today!

Not much has changed on the movement front. Averie is getting SO close to walking. She'll be holding onto the furniture, and reeeeach out like she's going to take a step, but she hasn't yet. She has stood by herself on several occasions for several seconds each time, so we're getting there! Averie is a super fast little crawler though, and loves to be chased.

She did finally start talking. She is saying "mama" regularly and has said "dada" a few times. I don't know if it counts as a word, but if it does, her favorite word is "oh." Eeeeeverything is "oh." It's very cute :).

We are working on transitioning her to more solid table food, but it's slow going. We have started making some of our own "baby food" by coarsely chopping and grinding our own meals in our food processor, because even the jars of stage 3 foods tend to be too runny for her liking.

Averie is still wearing size 3 diapers and we estimate she will be for at least a couple more months (when our size 3 stash runs out; we'll see if we have to buy more or if we can move on to the size 4 stockpile). She is wearing all 12 month clothes because she needs the length. All her 9 month tops were turning into belly shirts, although they fit width-wise. Her weight hasn't caught up with her length so we're constantly hiking up her pants!

Averie's first birthday party is next month! Planning is in full force :).

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