Monday, December 20, 2010

Thank you

This has been a hard week for me and it's only just begun. Last year at this time, things were going pretty well for us so to see where we are now...hurts. Neither Chris nor I thought the unemployment would last this many months. That's not to say that I haven't enjoyed the time we have had just reconnecting as a family. I have treasured every minute of that time, knowing it could -- and would -- end anytime, but I'm also aware of the effects an extended period of unemployment has on our quality of life.

We have had feelings and impressions of which job was the right job and that we just needed to be patient. But when every day that ticks by is another day closer to being completely out of money, it's hard to remember that.

Then, just when you think you're down and out for good, the Lord has a way of reminding us He is still watching and is mindful of our needs.

That was shown to me by someone that I can only call an angel visiting our house tonight. I don't know who this person was. Probably never will. But if that angel is someone who reads this blog, I want to say thank you.

Thank you for giving so generously, especially when you didn't have to. Thank you for thinking of our family. Thank you for giving my family a Christmas. Thank you for helping us survive another month while we wait for Chris to find a new job.

Up until tonight, it has been hard not to doubt that the job is out there. I've spent too much time wondering if Chris needed to start applying to the $12/hour jobs even though that would only pay part of our bills, because at least it would be something. And maybe it's terrible of me to need a plain-as-day representation that we have not been forgotten, but nonetheless, the gift we received tonight has renewed my faith that we will get through this.

Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

Heather Macbeth said...

You know last Christmas we had been unemployed for a month and almost completely out of money and the same thing happened to us. We were so thankful for our "angel" too, and now I'm so thankful that we got to experience the extreme poor side of life so we can understand what others are going through. Unemployment is by far the hardest thing we've ever gone through. It really tears at you moreso emotionally than even financially I think. We are praying for you guys!!! It's such a tough road but remember that it WILL come to an end! Good for y'all for staying so tough and listening to the spirit!