Friday, December 3, 2010

Averie - 13 Months

I'm not going to do updates every month like I did the first year but today was Averie's 12-month well baby visit (even though she's 13 months) so I had to post that.

Averie weighs 21 lbs 10 oz (50th %tile) and is 31.5 inches tall (95th %tile)! Her head is still in the 75th %tile, as usual. She loves to dance and clap along to music, and even knows how to show us her bellybutton when we ask where it is! She's not much of a talker yet as far as real words go, but she always has plenty to say :). Her walking has also improved a lot and she's crawling less and walking more (with fewer falls, too).

She got all the big shots today too - MMR, chicken pox and hepatitis - as well as a flu shot. There was much crying at first and looks of "how could you do this to me?", but she calmed down quickly. She's always such a trooper.

Averie also has her first cold. It's always so terrible when your baby is sick -- I just wish I could take her place so she could rest. There were a few times last night that she had just drifted off to sleep and then she coughed herself awake again :(.

Sorry for the overwhelming lack of pictures. I fail at regular camera use lately. Hopefully I'll get my act together and have a picture post soon :).

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