Monday, September 3, 2012

Averie's Diagnosis

So if you don’t know about Averie’s speech delay yet, you must be new here ;-), but we finally have an official diagnosis: speech apraxia.

Apraxia is actually thought to be a neurological disorder because it is, basically, a problem with the brain communicating to the mouth how it should move to form words.  Kids with apraxia generally have much better receptive speech than expressive (that’s Averie), have severe expressive delays (yep, she’s in the 4th percentile) and will often substitute their own “words” for real words because they can’t make the sounds correctly (also her).

We’ve had mixed feelings about the services we are receiving through early intervention lately and at our EI speech therapist’s urging, we enrolled Averie in private speech therapy.  

Oh my.  The price tag on that is…high, and because Averie’s delay is not caused by “injury, illness or autism spectrum disorder”, it is not covered by our (otherwise awesome) insurance.  But Averie has only been with Paige (her private therapist) for a month and we are already seeing HUGE progress so I know it is worth every penny.

I am so grateful that Chris is able to get so many extra hours right now and that we’re still able to live with my parents because otherwise, I don’t know if we could manage it and who knows how long it could take before Averie would talk, if ever, if we weren’t able to get help for her during this formative time.

So she’ll be in the private therapy for the foreseeable future and she will have an assessment done by the local school district a little closer to her 3rd birthday.  If she still qualifies (which she should – progress with apraxia tends to be quite slow), she may either get additional speech therapy through the school district or be eligible to attend preschool and still get the speech therapy there.  We’re kind of hoping for the preschool – we socialize her as much as we can, but I think it would really be great for her.

Right now, the things Averie can reliably say:
Oh, no (sounds like Oh, doh)
Nom nom! (when she wants to eat what you have, this one makes me laugh)
No.  I think this is one of those ones that we are supposed to dread but we were elated when she said it, and it’s hard not to laugh at the sly voice she says it when she’s being naughty!
Dah for Daddy and Deh for Declan 
Bye (sometimes; inconsistency is another problem with apraxia)

But the biggest one of all:
Mom!  She really, really means it this time.  Months and months ago, when she started saying “mama” we thought that was it, but it seems that was more the apraxia babble.  But now she actually says it for me, to me.  I love it.

Averie can make all but three alphabet letter sounds independently (J, Q and X) but struggles to combine them into any words, so even though she can say “pah” and “tee” separately, she can’t say “potty”, which we are trying to enforce now for potty training later.

What she lacks in verbal words, she makes up for in signs: milk, more, all done, please, thank you, I’m sorry, open, eat, drink, and down.   

We have a long road ahead but I know we will get there.


Schmath said...

I've been trying to get Sully to say "potty" too. He says something between "bobby and poppy." It's pretty cute. But really, all they need to say is "pee" or sign it or grab their bum, right? Sully just pees on the floor without doing any of those things, so I guess what he needs is a diaper.

Liz Wilcken said...

I bet it makes both you and Chris feel so much better knowing what's going on! And I can't imagine the elation Averie feels now that she's learning and making progress to communicate her feelings, which may have been more frustrating for her to do before! I hope and pray things progress quickly for all of you! :)

althnmore said...

she's so smart! i'm so glad she says mom for you! We started "signing time" for mikah not only are the kids signing they are talking better! it's weird. Look into it :)