Monday, January 25, 2010

Getting on the bandwagon

My friends and neighbors have been couponing for awhile and getting some pretty awesome deals on groceries. Chris and I tried it out a couple weeks ago just using coupons we printed from the Internet and did pretty well - saved as much as we spent - and had fun doing it. I know we're super-nerdy but it was actually fun to figure out how to combine our coupons with the sales to get things for dirt cheap, or almost free! And now that we're a mostly one-income family (I do some work from home for the company I previously did accounting for), we can use all the savings we can get.

I just signed up for the Savvy Shopper subscription through our local paper - the Daily Herald - and will be getting 2 copies of the Sunday paper every week for about $12/month. I'm sure I'll be able to at least break even since I would only have to save $3/week to make up for the costs of the subscription.

I think the hardest part will be getting away from our brand loyalty. There are some things that we probably won't budge on. For example, Pampers work wonderfully for Averie and I'm not brave enough to try out a new brand -- plus, by our count, we have enough diapers to last until August :). TP is probably another one but we stocked up on that a couple weeks ago (72 rolls worth!) so it should be awhile before I have to worry about that.

I'll post about my grocery deals here occasionally so stay tuned!

1 comment:

Liz Wilcken said...

U should check out my friend's blog then! She's like a professional couponer!