Monday, May 3, 2010

6 Months!

Time has really flown - Averie is 6 months old today!

At 6 months old, Averie rolls back to front (that's a recent development) and front to back and sits up on her own. She's finished all the flavors of her Stage 1 baby foods and liked some more than others (she loves carrots, sweet potatoes and all fruits; the green beans, not so much).

Averie wears size 2 diapers and, despite being in an upper percentile for weight, is still wearing her 3-6 month clothes. We even had to buy a few summery things for her in 3-6 month sizes because the 6-12 month summer clothes I bought ahead of time are still too wide on her (perfect length though)!

We tried moving her to her convertible car seat over the weekend but we moved her back to her infant carrier today. She still fits fine in it (though she's rapidly approaching the 30 inch height limit!) - we were just a little overly excited to move her to the new seat. She likes to sleep in her car seat still and neither she nor I enjoyed waking her up and taking her in and out of the seat so many times when running errands. We will try again in a month or two.

Weight: 17 lbs 5 oz (75th percentile)
Height: 27 inches (90th percentile)