Sunday, July 4, 2010

8 Months!

Averie turned 8 months old yesterday! Our niece Cassie took some great pictures of her that I can't wait to share. In the meantime, Averie has made some BIG accomplishments in the last month.

First of all, she has started getting up on all fours in "crawling position." She doesn't crawl forward on her hands and knees yet but she does rock back and forth (like she's raring to go!).
She's a fast little army crawler though and there's been more than one time that I have set her down on the floor to play, turned around for a minute, turned back and found her all the way across the room, getting into trouble! :)

Averie is a pro at sitting now too and very rarely tips over anymore (and when she does, she can usually catch herself before she face plants). She also just learned how to sit up on her own from laying down (on her stomach).

Pushing up, then sitting up straight

And last, but certainly not least - Averie has started pulling herself up to stand! Today she made the most progress she has ever had. Started with this...

Then to this!

Now, I freely admit that this last picture, we gave her a little nudge to get onto her feet from her knees...
But from there, she supported herself entirely with her own arms and legs for a good 7 seconds!! So proud of our baby girl! And with that, it's baby-proofing time!

Other "fun facts" about Averie:
Favorite food - Sweet potatoes. Boy am I glad that one of her favorite foods is a veggie. She loves her pureed sweet potatoes and also the sweet potato flavored Gerber puffs that she gets as a treat and to learn how to chew.

Diapers - She is in size 2-3 Pampers right now, but we only have a few left and will probably be moving to size 3 Huggies in the next couple days. We'll play it by ear though - the 2-3s are still pretty roomy on her so we might need more of those before moving into full-blown size 3.

Clothes - Averie has FINALLY moved into 6 to 9 month clothes! Most of the 6-12 month sized things are still too big, but the 6-9s fit well.

I can't believe how fast she is growing and how much she has changed just in the past couple weeks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

she is such a cutie. growing so fast, learning so quickly. thanks for sharing her life. I miss seeing her.