Wednesday, November 3, 2010

1 Year!!!

We made it! At 1:23 PM today, our sweet baby turns 1 year old!

Averie has been such a joy to have in our lives and I can't believe we were blessed with such a good, happy baby. We dealt with jaundice and acid reflux in the beginning, and are now facing 1-year molars (read: very fussy baby), but all in all, we could not have asked for an easier baby. She has slept through the night since 3 weeks old and at 1 year now, still sleeps for 11-12 hours straight each night and two naps a day. In fact, we feel that we've been so lucky with her that for sure, our next baby will be much more difficult!

Averie is walking and talking! At this point, she's taken up to 10 steps in a row without falling. When she first started walking, we had to coax her to let go of whatever she was hanging onto, but she has gained the confidence to let go on her own and venture out! She says "mama", "dada", "hi" and "ni-ni." She's always adding new sounds to her "vocabulary" and we still love hearing her baby babbling.

After a rough start on solid table foods, Averie is finally reliably eating "real" food. She's been getting 3 solid meals a day and 4 8-ounce sippies of formula (yay, no more bottles!), but that will be going to whole milk now that she's a year! We gave her a taste a couple weeks ago and she loved it so I'm hoping we won't have any problems once she's on it all the way. Her favorite foods are waffles, string cheese, and whatever Chris and I are trying to eat :P.

We'll be moving her into 12 to 18-month clothes soon. She only has one pair of 12-month pants that are long enough for her and that's only because they haven't been washed and dried yet! Of course, the 12 month pants do fit perfectly in the waist so I expect we'll be hiking up her pants more often than not once she moves to the next size :P.

We had to push back her 1-year well baby visit to next month so here's her probably-less-than-precise weight and height that we measured on our own.

She is 22 lbs, 13 oz which puts her right back in the 75th percentile for weight (she was the 50th percentile at her last doctor's visit) and exactly 30 inches long, which is also in the 75th percentile (last time she was almost off the charts so it has really slowed down!).

And now for the pictures! Just a few of our favorites from her "shoot" yesterday.

Happy birthday, Averie!!


Liz Wilcken said...

Cute pictures! Reminds me of Auntie Edris :)

Heather Macbeth said...

Happy bday!!!