Monday, October 31, 2011

Birthday Party!

This is going to be a crazy posting week with Halloween AND Averie's birthday so buckle up! :)

Saturday night was Averie's first birthday party for her 2nd birthday -- got that? ;-).  Averie's cousin, Oliver, was born just four days after her so we decided to do a joint party for them with Chris' family, and then we'll have another small party next week with my family.  
Averie and Daddy before dinner

We had the party at the home of Oliver's parents.  Homemade soups (yummy during this cold weather!) and cake abounded.  PSA: Costco makes beautiful, delicious half-sheet cakes -- and they're cheaper than 1/4 sheet elsewhere! -- which is perfect when you're feeding 30+ people :).

Unfortunately, we didn't get too many pictures since Averie was on the run with one of her many cousins for most of the night.  They love her so much and she just soaks up every ounce of the attention!  She got some fun gifts and her very first piggy bank, even started off for her with a stash of coins.   
She has a mini Magnadoodle that she LOVES, so she was pretty thrilled to get a big one :)

We couldn't convince her to blow out her candles (even though she knows how), but Oliver took care of that for her :-).

Aah, so blurry, but Oliver was looking cute and proud of himself for blowing out the candles :)

Everyone had a great time and despite the massive sugar high (did you see those frosting balloons?! Yikes!), Averie conked out on the ride home :)

And just a gratuitous picture of Averie's cheesy grin:

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