Monday, March 1, 2010

4 Months!

Averie had her 4 month well baby visit today (she will be 4 months old on Wednesday). She got 2 more shots and was such a trooper and cried for only a couple minutes. She weighs 15 lb 1 oz (75th percentile) and is 25 1/2 inches long (90th percentile). Her head is in the 60th percentile - it used to be the 75th so she's finally catching up with her head :).

At 4 months, Averie rolls from stomach to back but isn't interested in rolling from back to stomach unless we give her a nudge. Probably because she's not a huge fan of tummy time and doesn't want to go there voluntarily :D. She smiles all the time but only Daddy gets her best giggles. She's just starting to fit into her 3 to 6 month clothes so we hope she's able to wear everything (or almost everything) before it warms up.

We'll be starting rice cereal tonight as we wean her off her reflux medicine. That should be an adventure!


Heather Macbeth said...

Yay for starting solids!!! Be prepared with some water-proof bibs! Oh and stinkier diapers.... but it shouldn't be too bad in the beginning!! She's getting cuter all the time!

Liz Wilcken said...

Well, she did better than Benjamin did with his 5 year Kindergarten shots yesterday. Seriously, he was convulsing on the table from the pain. Took me and the nurse to hold him down.

BTW, happy really late birthday!

Chris & Meghan said...

Oh my gosh, Ben is going into kindergarten?!?! How do you already have school-age kids?!

Unfortunately, Averie isn't doing so well with this morning - the day after the shots was bad last time too.