Friday, April 9, 2010

Another awesome deal!

Kohl's is having a pretty good sale on their website right now and there are two coupon codes out you can use to save even more. SHOPNOW15 will take 15% off your order and FREEAPRIL gives you free shipping - no minimum order amount! You can stack these and use both discounts.

I bought Averie this adorable dress for the 4th of July for less than $7:
Bonnie Jean Star Dress
And Carter's footed sleepers for this winter for less than $8 each! These are normally $20 each.
Carter's Panda Footed Pajamas

My total spent after tax was $40.05 for the dress and 4 sleepers!

1 comment:

Heather Macbeth said...

I LOVE the sleepers that have things on the feet! Lily had some with bunny ears. Gotta love Carters. Nice savings!