Thursday, December 1, 2011

Pregnancy Post: It's A...



I hit the halfway mark -- 20 weeks! -- on Monday and I had my ultrasound on Wednesday.  Everything looked great.  Our little one is measuring right on track, except head and legs are measuring a few days ahead.  Averie was the exact same way when I had my ultrasound with her, and she has been in the 90th or higher percentiles for height and the 75th percentile for her head from day one, so it looks like this one might be the same.  Apparently, I bake tall babies with big heads!  

But none of you really care about all that, do you?  So, without further adieu:
It's a BOY!

Chris and I are so very excited.  Of course we would have been just as excited for another little princess to join our family -- although I think Chris' wallet breathed a sigh of relief when he saw it wasn't a girl! ;-) -- but we are so happy to be giving Averie a little brother, and now Chris won't be outnumbered either! 

This makes me extra happy because, since we received my MS diagnosis, Chris and I have considered only having two children instead of our original plan of three.  I've -- selfishly -- always wanted at least one of each and now I'll get to have that.  And if we do have that third baby after all, maybe we'll let it be a surprise!  We'll see -- I'm not very patient ;-). 

Our little boy's name has been decided almost since we saw two lines on the test, but you will have to wait until April to find out! 

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