Wednesday, February 3, 2010

3 Months!

Averie is 3 months old today! I can't believe how fast time has gone and how fast she is growing up. She is such a joy to have in our lives and one of her big toothless grins is enough to make even the worst day better.

I don't know how much she weighs since we don't have a scale but I did try to measure her. With all her wiggling, it was a little tough but I'm going to say about 25 inches. She's wearing size 1 diapers - I'm sure she's getting close to the weight limit (14 lbs) but because of her length, she's still pretty thin and they fit perfectly. Most of her 0-3 clothes are still pretty roomy around the waist too, even though she should be moving into 3-6 month clothes now. I bought her entire summer wardrobe on clearance last year and I'm hoping she starts thickening out a little bit so they will fit!

She is still sleeping through the night - about 8 1/2 to 9 hours at a stretch. She is breastfed but Chris likes to feed her too so I will pump so he can give her a bottle. When she takes a bottle, she will drink up to 6 ounces in a sitting.

Her hair just keeps getting longer and thicker and luckily it doesn't look like it is going to fall out. She does have the common bald spot in the back but that's about it. She still has red hair - not sure if that will eventually turn brown or not. Eye color still isn't defined yet either.

Here are a few pictures that we've taken over the last couple weeks.

Love this smile!

Averie loves her little seahorse, that we've named Sheldon (after the seahorse in Finding Nemo), and goes to sleep with him every night. She sleeps on this pillow to help with her reflux. It's basically a Boppy but has a little piece that attaches to the sides with Velcro to keep her from sliding off.

There is a big possibility that Averie's first tooth is starting to come in - she's got a couple bumps on her gums and her cheek has been a little swollen and red. She's also started chewing on her pacifier and will cram a fist in her mouth at every available opportunity.

Averie has a really good grip - she's always liked to hold onto fingers - but now will hold things (like a rattle) in her hands for a short period of time.

She was sleeping on our bed and flipped the bib over her face to keep the light out. If we pulled it away from her face, she flipped it right back!

And a couple from today, at 3 months old:

1 comment:

Liz Wilcken said...

What a cutie! Sounds like she and Kate might have fun together. We should do a play date sometime!